Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Prayer of Covenant Renewal

O righteous God, for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, see me as I bow down before you. Before all heaven and earth, I here acknowledge you as my Lord and God. I take you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for my portion, and vow to give up myself, body and soul, as your beloved servant,
to serve you in holiness and righteousness all the days of my life. You have given the Lord Jesus Christ as the only way of being reconciled to the Father. Jesus, I do here on bended knees accept Christ as the only living Way, Truth, and Life, and sincerely join myself in a covenant with him.

O blessed Jesus, I come to you hungry, sinful, miserable, blind, and naked, unworthy even to wash the feet of your servants. Forgive my unfaithfulness in not having done your will, for you have promised mercy and grace to me if I turn to you with my whole heart. You require that I put away all my idols and I now with all my heart renounce them all, covenanting with you that no known sin shall reign in my life as you alone bear that title of Lord. Against your will, I have turned my love toward the world. In your power I will watch all temptations that will lead me away from you. For my own righteousness is riddled with sin, unable to stand before you.

All your laws are holy, just, and good and I therefore take your Word as the rule for my words, thoughts, and actions, promising that I will strive to order my whole life according to your direction, and not allow myself to neglect anything I know to be pleasing to you. I yield myself to the leading of Your Spirit in my life and invite Him to search and know me that I may live a life of increasing faithfulness and devotion to my Savior. I do here covenant with you, O Christ, to take my lot with you as it may fall. Through your grace I know that neither life nor death shall part me from you.

O God, you know that I make this covenant with you today without guile or reservation. If any falsehood should be in it, guide me and help me to set it aright. And now, glory be to you, O God the Father, whom I from this day forward shall look upon as my God and Father. Glory be to you, O God the Son, who loves me and washed me from my sins in your own blood, and now is my Savior and Redeemer. Glory be to you, O God the Holy Spirit, who by your almighty power have turned my heart from sin to God. O mighty God, the Lord Omnipotent, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you have now become my Friend. And, I, through your infinite grace, have become your covenant servant and your beloved child. And let this covenant which I declare now be resounded in the heavens to proclaim the wonder of what you have done through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we pray all of these things.
